Air Duct Leakage Testing VA
Why Test?
Know your flow: Testing gives you the knowledge to determine ROI and payback period. Testing results also empowers a more concise scope of work when selecting a contractor to seal duct work or provide renovations and upgrades.
What the problem is? Testing can give you a quick and minimally invasive answer to challenging issues of Indoor Air Quality, Poor Thermal Comfort Distribution, Humidity problems, and Contaminant Air Saturation. It will help you determine whether it is a duct issue or the commonly ineffective “blanket solution” of newer, bigger equipment/ controls/ accessories.
Have to anyways: As new construction keeps evolving to meet energy conservation demands and owner expectations, there are several requirements in place and becoming more common-
– ASHRAE 62.1, 62.2, and 90.1(proposed)
– SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test manual
– Project Specifications
– LEED, Earthcraft Home, and many other certifying organizations